Block U Curriculum
View Syllabus
Week 1 – 3
Technical Tutorials
What is blockchain?
- Tony sparks teaches what is blockchain and the benefits of it.
Classroom Session #1
- Course introduction and class overview
Session 2
- Learning and using Remix
- Learning and using MetaMask
- Learning and using Ropsten Testnet
Session 3
- Deploying Smart Contracts
- ERC20 Tokens
Classroom Session #4
- How to Build a Front In Dapp
- MetaMask
- Web3
- Sails Js
Classroom Session #5
- How to Build a Backend In Dapp
- Web3
- Sails Js
Capstone Session #1
- How to Build a Sails Js App
- Page generation
- Ajax Form
- Models
Digital Currency and the Developing World
- Great intro to blockchain, digital currency, and how they will affect the developing world
Solidity Tutorial
- Explains a lot of basic Solidity concepts
Use Web3.JS 1.0 with Truffle
- Great tutorial to use Truffle framework with Web 3 1.0.0.
- Shows how to create a unit test with Truffle framework
How to debug smart contracts
- Great tutorial on how to debug Ethereum smart contracts.
- Uses ganache-cli, which is a more stable way to create a local blockchain for testing purposes
Web3.js Intro
- Great explanation of Web3
- Infura demo
- EtherScan demo
How to Build Ethereum Dapp (Decentralized Application Development Tutorial)
- Sails is a great Node Js Framework
- Reinforces MVC (Model View Controller) application design schema
- Great for rapid prototyping
Build a Sails.js App
- Smart contract development framework demo with Truffle
- Students should use ganache-cli instead of ganache-gui used in the video
Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners
- Version control tutorial
- Teaches skills necessary to develop a project with a team of developers
Week 4
Consulting Tutorials
Business Discovery
Consists of in depth analysis of the four necessary steps that any business must complete before they start a business
- Value Proposition
- Business Model Canvas
- Business Features
- Road Map
Technical Discovery
Consists of in depth analysis of the four necessary steps that any developer must complete before they start developing an application
- Business Features
- User Process Flow
- User Interface
- Road Map
New Kids On The Block
An internal hackathon students will use to …
- Practice going through their own discovery process
- Practice writing solidity code
- Produce their first DAPP( Decentralized Application)
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
Week 5 – 8
Market Applications

Students will build decentralize applications for businesses partnered with Block U. This will allow students to…
- Build a portfolio with real world experience
- Practice writing solidity code
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
Block At It Again!!
An internal hackathon students will use to …
- Practice going through their own discovery process
- Practice writing solidity code
- Produce their first DAPP( Decentralized Application)
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
Week 10 – 13
Market Applications

Students will build decentralize applications for businesses partnered with Block U. This will allow students to…
- Build a portfolio with real world experience
- Practice writing solidity code
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
Stop, Block and Roll
An external hackathon students will use to …
- Practice going through their own discovery process
- Practice writing solidity code
- Produce their first DAPP( Decentralized Application)
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
- Practice working with clients and other skilled professionals
Week 15 – 18
Market Applications

Students will build decentralize applications for businesses partnered with Block U. This will allow students to…
- Build a portfolio with real world experience
- Practice writing solidity code
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
Block Lives Matter
An external hackathon students will use to …
- Practice going through their own discovery process
- Practice writing solidity code
- Produce their first DAPP( Decentralized Application)
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
- Practice working with clients and other skilled professionals
Week 20 – 23
Market Applications

Students will build decentralize applications for businesses partnered with Block U. This will allow students to…
- Build a portfolio with real world experience
- Practice writing solidity code
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
Blockstone Project
An external hackathon students will use to …
- Practice going through their own discovery process
- Practice writing solidity code
- Produce their first DAPP( Decentralized Application)
- Solve real world problems with blockchain solutions
- Practice working with a team of developers
- Practice working with clients and other skilled professionals