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Block U


What is Block U?


Free Education For Everybody

Our goal is to produce as many blockchain developers as possible with no barrier to entry. We are an online school and if someone wants to login and expand their skill set with us, we would love the opportunity to subcontract jobs to them.

Free Laptops For Everybody

We need to supply our students with the best equipment to work with. Each laptop will come with preinstalled technology that’s necessary to produce blockchain code and work in the industry. Students who graduate from Block U will be permitted to keep their laptops.

Free Jobs For Everybody

Once a student graduates from Block U and completes pivotal milestones in their education, we will actively seek to give them paid job experience and connect them to the various blockchain organizations who needs their work.

How Does It Work?

Donors Donates Funds To Block U

We need to raise money to pay for teachers, tutors, laptops and other educational supplies. We also understand students can’t learn if they are hungry or are worried about a place to stay, so we would like to offer students need based scholarships to attend Block U.

Block U Funds Education Of Students

Block U will use the funds raised by donations to pay for the room, board, food and education of Students who want to learn how to become blockchain engineers.

Block U Subcontracts Work To Students

As students learn job training, the Block U will employ them via paid internships and subcontracted work.

Block U Donates Profits To Fund The Education Of More Students

A percentage of job income earned by interns will be reinvested into the Block U’s educational fund. This way, the previous round of students can pay for the education of the next round of students.

Block U Subcontracts Work To Students

As students learn job training, the Block U will employ them via paid internships and subcontracted work.

Don’t Block Us, Block U!

With your help, we can change the world! Job training is just as important as education and our non profit will offer the best of both worlds. Each dollar you give will be used to produce profits that will compound your efforts by helping more people. Be the change you want to see and don’t block us, Block U!


Our Team

Devin Mallett

Chief of Multimedia

Catherine Pace

Board Member

Paul Sauchy

Board Member

Sue Marrone

Board Member

Derek Jones

Board Member

Sylvester Holems

Legal Counsel

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